
For separation, cohabitation and marriage

Whether starting a relationship or ending one, the steps leading to an agreement are similar.

Steps to an agreement

  1. Choose a resolution method (see options below)
  2. Determine goals and interests of both parties
  3. Create a parenting plan (separation agreements only)
  4. Exchange financial information about assets, debts and incomes
  5. Receive legal advice and explore options for resolution to financial issues (property, child support and spousal support, estate issues)
  6. Reach a consensus on the terms for the agreement
  7. Prepare the agreement

Resolution methods

While there are other resolution methods, these are the ones I provide.

Lawyer-to-lawyer negotiations
  • Communication is primarily lawyer-to-lawyer
  • There may be four-way virtual meetings
  • Lawyers gather financial information, or a third party is jointly retained to gather the information for both parties
Collaborative law or collaborative process and mediation

A member of…

Northumberland County Law Association logo
Durham Law Association logo
OASCP logo - Ontario Association of Collaborative Professionals
KCP logo - Kawartha Collaborative Practice